I'm officially diabetic type 2 and that's way I can't work at sea any more
Jun 26, 2013
I'm Back !!!!!!!!
I'm officially diabetic type 2 and that's way I can't work at sea any more
Aug 30, 2012
To go to sea or not to go to sea !!!???
As I decided to go back to work at sea I hade to go through the initial medical exam all over again.. I don it on the 28/8, I was surprised when I received a call from Ahmadi Hospital asking me to do the test again??!! So when I saw the doctor she asked me: are you diabetic??? I answer: No!! Not that I'm aware of!!! My initial test shows blood sugar of 7% thay took another sample and it shows 8% this time.. that with me being 12hr fasting!!!
Ideas start rushing into my maind, and most of them where bad ideas but I said to my self this is what god planed for me and it must be good to me so I shall embrace it and be grateful and thankful and I started to see the bright side of it and the maine thing is that I will not go back to sea and I will be staying with my kids.
So now I'm doing another test for diabetes and i must give them 4 blood samples every hour , I have already give them three sampls and only one to go.....
I will let you know of the final result.....wish me luck!!!!

Jul 16, 2012
Toy Store for Athletes
I always remember the excitement rush when my parents takes me to Kids 'r' us (نحن و الطفال) Toy store in Farwanya area , that was in the good days of the 80's, as we approach the huge building and see that big , yellow koala you latterly hear me buzzing with excitement
( I still do when I see that logo :P )
After 30 years I do feel the same when I pay a visit to sport's stores, and specially my favored brand NIKE , I was so excited when I herd about the new Nike Store in Arjan (Bida'a Area ).
So I took my camera and jumped into my car and headed toward there.
The store looks good from out side I took view pics .
When I got inside the store was divided in to three sections, tow sections in the ground flour , Men and Women , the upper level for soccer and casual .
I noticed a lot of people don't where proper clothing when working out ....my advice to all of you ... dress up for sport workout with fashion it really boost you morals and you deserve to pamper your self ..
get moving ...pay them a visit and start BUZZZZING :-)
There contact :
E-Mail : nike@aaw.com
Phone: 1804449
or visit there facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/NikestoreKW
Jul 3, 2012
A gift from God
I was married 11Years ago and it has it's ups and downs ,and thanks God, ups more than downs. During this 11years my wife and I was blessed with beautiful gifts from God.
Sulaiman was born on 24th Oct. 2002. he's the artist one loves drawing and reading and has really huge imagination he loves video games and he's. The youngest blogger in Kuwait.
He's blog: www.q8box.WordPress.com
AbdulAziz he was born on the 17th Jun 2009. He's the family technician he's really into assemble and deassemble things he's passion is Air Conditions, Don't ask me whey ?!! He loves to clean the filters and watch AC's maintenance videos on YouTube.
And for the latest addition to our family
Abdulwahab , he was born on the 1st July 2012 the only thing that I can say about him is He's Sooooo tinny!!!!
Al 7amd lellah , Thanks God for this amazing three gifts
اللهم لك الحمد و الشكر و المنه على هذه النعمة
Jun 1, 2012
The Day that changed my life
It's been a long time since my last post ....I needed time with my self to regroup my thoughts...
I discovered a lot about my self in the last months and I was surprised by what I have discovered..
I use to be an athlete I play football in the Yarmok Sport Club , I started playing when I was 11 years old until I was 18 , and that's the time when I joined the Kuwait Oil Tanker Company and start working at sea which result in slowly drifting away from sports and the healthy life.
For the last 10 years ( yes I'm that old) I keep telling my self I'm too old for sports and I totally believed it, until that day, the last days of Ramadan 2011, I saw a tweet by
Yousef Al-Qanai ,inviting people to join him in his workout at Mamsha Mishrif( Mishrif Track) , I decided to go ..( there is an older post about it ) .
This workout was a wake up call tome to start taking control of my health , I couldn't jog for 50m ??!! we where a group and when we first start to run I run with all my power BUT I saw them going away and I couldn't catch up with them , I almost quit and my old hunting thought attacked me again " I'M TOO OLD FOR THIS S**T " it was even louder than before, I start walking and I was gasping for air I felt so week I hit rock bottom .
At this moment I said to my self: This has to change, I don't like to see my self like this , I will change , I need to change , I am changing it right now!!! I'm on the right track !! , so I started to jog again and kept pushing my self until I reached the meeting point with the others, I remember Yousef when he saw me hoofing and buffing , he asked : are you OK?? my brain was rushing with answers "NO" , " I'M SO TIRED", " I CAN'T DO THIS" , " I QUIT'" , but what came out of my mouth " I'm OK' !!! I know at that moment that I took my first step to changing my life. And I did ...
5 months later I completed for the 1st time in 10 years, 5k run !!! and since that time I never stop running ..
All Thanks to Allah And the great people I have met in The Fitness Camp and Nike+ running Club , you have changed my LIFE
Oct 20, 2011
أنا ما لي ميول سياسية و سياستي الوحيده حب هذه الديره و آنا مو ضد التجمعات و الندوات الي اسونها التكتلات السياسية و نواب مجلس الأمه فالكويت بلد الحرية و الديمقراطية. بس الواحد ينقهر لما تقام ندوه أو تجمع كل الي فيه رافعين شعار حب الكويت و الخوف على الكويت و مصلحة الكويت , و انا ما أشكك في كلامهم, و لكن الي انشوفه بعد هذه التجمعات يتناقض مع الي يقولونه؟؟ الي يمر الصبح على ساحة الإراده و الله ينصدم من الي بشوفه لو كل واحد من الي احضروا التجمع شال الوصخ الي عنده و قطه بسلال الزباله,الي كانت فاظية, كان انظفت ساحت الإراده في أقل من خمس دقايق.
أنا لاني مع فلان و ضد فلان انا مثل ما قلت ما لي بالسياسه, انا كويتي و أحب هذه الأرض الي ربيت و راح أموت أنشاءالله عليها.
و شكر خاص لإختي
على حبها و غيرتها على هذه الأرض و هذه مو غريبة على عيال الكويت
و مشكورة على الصور و إثارة هذا الموضوع
Oct 15, 2011
Blast from the 80's
One of my favorit shows was Tha A Team, I remember it was shown in thursdays at 20:30 just after the KTV2 news ....we used to have KTV1 and KTV2 only :P
everytime I hear this theme a surge of memories rush into my head.
I always choose B.A ( Mr.T )