Jul 30, 2011

Kuwait Reefs

Last Wednesday we went to our bio rock project...the sun was grilling hot and as we approach Qarouh Island we discover that we forget our coral collecting basket!!! What are we going to do know??!! We already lost one of our baskets last week when we where there.  We went on the island to check if the Kuwaiti Cost Guards got any spar basket and the first thing we found is our beautiful blue basket near the C.G station entrance it was such a relief. :D
We checked our electric supply equipments we went back to the boat to prepare for our dive to collect the broking corals.
The water was amazing it feels that you are in the Maldives but the sizzling heat will easily evaporate this though and bring you back to reality.

It really feels good when you take the first dip in the water

That's me on the boat talking to Team Leader Capt. Jasim Al Failakawi

The first dive normally for collecting the broking corals and we transfer it to the other side of the island to fix them on our biorock models.
The team done so well in collecting the corals, we have to be careful as the corals are very fragile and easy to break

Saving the broking corals


All OK......Our basket getting full

All done...The Basket is full!!!
Sea urchins.... try to find its eye  ;)

Heave up!!!! Time to pull up the basket

After collecting some coral and taking a break. We transferred to the other side of the island to our project location the water is amazing we can't wait to jump in the water ... of course we where greeted by our spiky sea urchins as you can see in the picture below.

 Yes every one this is in Kuwait!!! Mashallah!! (Mashallah means blessing from God said when seeing something pleasant or beautiful)

If you’re read my last post I have mentioned some of the problem we have in Kuwait that effecting our coral reefs one of which the uncontrolled fishing of fishes that feed on sea urchins such as the Parrot Fish or as we call it in Kuwait Gain. I was so angry that I had to get out the water when I saw this fish's head freshly cut and through in the water which landed on one of our models....this fish is nearly extinct from Kuwaiti water and when we found one we find it in this state ??!!!

 Pleas let's leave this fish alone ...we need it so badly for our reef. The number of sea urchins is growing so fast and sea urchins feeds on Corals!!! Gain or Parrot Fish feeds on a sea urchin that’s way we need it near our reefs.

Looking at the bright side little creatures start to move into our BioRock reefs and the number of fishes start to grow up.
Can you spot the littel one on the middle of the coral???

I have a dream to make our reefs a place that attracts divers from all around the world and I believe this is the first step toward that dream.

Until next post...Take Care and God bless


  1. LOVED IT .. i wish people could/would relize that it takes years to grow corals but it takes only few seconds to destroy them !

    ya36ekom el3afya ...

    also i wish we could do something for the SHARKS .. and give awarness about them ;/

  2. Yaa I was so angry when I saw the dead parrot fish. Inshalla we will spree the word and inshalla people will get it

  3. good work bader
    we need you man

  4. diving team

